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Week 17

Weight: 318.6

Weight lost in one week: 1.6
Total weight lost: 49.8
Average weekly weight loss: 2.93

Weight left to lose: 78.6
Weeks left at average loss: 26.83
Estimated total weeks: 43.83 (about 10.11 months)

This week's goal will continue on the theme of exercise. My weight loss was less this week, but I'm thinking that some of that is because I gained muscle mass. So, here are my goals:

Burn 2,600 Calories on the elliptical
Walk to the park and two laps around the track (a total of 2 miles) 4 days
Do 400 calf raises
Do 200 sit ups
Jump rope for 10 minutes

Please keep praying for my journey. And may God bless you all on your journeys.



August 3, 2009 at 1:30 AM

Nice Work! Great progress so far.