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I want!

So, I know I'm not supposed to covet (and this really isn't that), but I reall want the nook.  I've been wanting the Kindle by Amazon for a while, but Anna has encouraged me to wait.  First of all, because I have hundreds of books on my shelf that I haven't read yet.  Secondly, though, and most importantly, becausse in our day and age, technology changes very quickly.  Anna always says to wait, "Because there will be something better."  But that's always the case!  So, now I'm really looking at the nook.  I'll have to wait until I can see it to tell, but I'm 99% sure that I'll want it.  Sweet!

Okay, on to my totals... 

1- 25 minute session on the Elliptical
1- 15 minute session on the Treadmill
1- 10 minute session on the Stairmastere
30 sit ups
1 set of 2- 60 second planks
Read the Bible

2- 25 minute sessions on the Elliptical
2- 15 minute sessions on the Treadmill
2- 10 minute sessions on the Stairmaster
1- 3 Mile walk
120 sit ups
2 sets of 2- 60 second planks
Read the Bible (on to Isaiah)
Went on a date with Anna

3- 25 minute sessions on the Elliptical
3- 15 minute sessions on the Treadmill
3- 10 minute sessions on the Stairmaster
2- 3 Mile walks
2- DVD workouts
90 sit ups
1 set of 2- 60 second planks
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily


  Call me Ishmael

October 21, 2009 at 5:43 AM

Hey Beej! I have a Kindle -- got it (finally) as an Xmas present last year. But it came in March, because it was so back ordered when my mom got it for me. Then of course the Kindle 2 came out. Gotta love it when that happens. Anyway, hope you get your nook. I'm a book lover/adorer/collector, but live in the world's smallest Manhattan apt. So I Kindle. One thing it's very good for is getting my hands on a book right away -- no waiting at all. And my impatient nature likes that. And convenient to walk and carry it. But it'll never replace actual books in my heart. Good job with the workouts -- it's impressive stuff!

  Josie - 35 and Shrinking

October 21, 2009 at 9:52 AM

I have no knowledge of the Kindle or Nook, but with all the hard work you've done, you deserve something nice for yourself!!
And that was really nice of your dad!
I love how you list daily goals and whether you meet them or not. What a great way to stay focused.

  South Beach Steve

October 23, 2009 at 4:13 AM

I also want one of these Beej, but I am just too tight to spend the money on it. I also don't have the time to read like I once did.