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What To Do About Shrinking Fingers

No, that doesn't say, "What To Do About Shrinking Figures." Which could also work, though I'd be more willing to use that once I get below 300...No, I'm talking about the fact that my fingers are getting smaller. What a great occurrence! I've always had big thick sausage fingers. But now, they're closer to just normal old hot dogs! (Sweet!) The problem, though, comes from the fact that my wedding band is starting to get uncomfortably loose. When I'm taking a shower, and I have shampoo in my hands, the ring always almost comes off. I get worried that it'll fall off sometime. Guys and Gals, did/does this happen to you? Any thoughts about a solution? It's a tungsten band, so I can't take it in to get re-sized. I've been thinking about getting a carbon fiber band, so that could be an option (a new band); but I don't see the point until I've reached my goal. And Anna won't let me get a tattoo for the duration of my journey. I want to keep it on my finger, though, and not wear it around my neck or something. I know, it's a silly thing to worry about, but my wedding band does mean a lot to me (though not as much as my marriage, of course!!). Thoughts? Experiences?

Okay, on to my totals so far:

Monday (and the weekend):

.5 Hours on the Elliptical
1-3 Mile Walk
300 Calf Raises
100 Sit-Ups
Jump Rope for 5 Minutes
3- 30 Second Planks
Read the Bible twice fo far (Boo!!)
Prayed Nightly


2.0 Hours on the Elliptical
3- 3 mile walks
400 calf raises
250 sit ups
Jump rope for 15 minutes
Build up to 5- 30 second Planks (per day)
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily
Go on one date with my wife

I really want to try to wake up early so that I can go on my walk before work (and be able to spend more time in the evening with Anna).

By the way, I'm trying to convince Anna (my wife) to write a guest blog for when I get under 300. Kind of an outsider's take on my journey (what has worked and what hasn't)--an up-close report. What do you think of that idea?

Peace.  Be with you.

Week 21

Weight: 305.0

Weight lost in one week: 1.6
Total weight lost: 63.4
Average weekly weight loss: 3.02
Weight left to lose: 65.0
Weeks left at average loss: 21.52
Estimated total weeks: 42.52 (about 9.81 months)

Sure, this may not be as exciting as my loss last week, but you know? I'm actually more excited about this amount. It's much more sustainable. I'd like to get under 50% left to go--but that should be relatively easy, since it's only 0.8 pounds. I'm changing up my eating plan at work and I'll be working on ensuring my workouts happen. And my spiritual development should continue as well.


So, here I am, with Anna at our pastor's house. It's about 9 p.m. on a Friday night and their 4 kids (a less than 1 year old, a 2 year old, a 4 year old, and a 6 year old) are already asleep. They're such great kids! I feel really honored that they would invite us to watch their children--they're so well-adjusted and they play well together. In fact, they're the ones who said that we were here to "kidsit" since they're not babies anymore! Anna and I love babysitting/kidsitting; and it's weird how at times it seems like some parents hesitate to ask us to watch their children. Almost like they think we don't know how to take care of children or something since we haven't had our own yet. But not our Pastor Rich and Erin. They trust us. And that trust feels great!

On top of that, Anna blessed me with a delicious dinner. We had a field greens salad with walnuts and Gouda cheese; homemade crab cakes; and risotto. So amazing. I love it when she cooks (although she doesn't have that much confidence), and her food is SO good. I wish she would cook dinner more often (and not just so that I don't have to as often!). Maybe that would give her more confidence.

I also read a great blog tonight! Diane, over at Fit to the Finish had a good post about learning from our healthy friends.

My totals:

.5 Hour on the Elliptical
100 calf raises
125 sit-ups
Jump Rope for 1 minutes
Read the Bible (Isaiah 1-6)
Pray Daily

2 Hours on the Elliptical
700 Calf Raises
350 Sit-Ups
Jump Rope for 15 minutes
7- 20 second planks
Read Bible (Matthew 1-2; 1Corinthians 1-2; Ezra; Psalms 1-2; Proverbs 1; Isaiah 1-6)

Remaining (Boo! There are lots left over):
.5 Hour on the Elliptical
1- 3 mile walk/run
Build up to 10- 20 second Planks

Goals for next week:
2.5 Hours on the Elliptical
4- 3 mile walks (I know that I'll need to do at least 1 walk during the weekend).
700 calf raises
350 sit ups
Jump rope for 20 minutes
Build up to 5- 30 second Planks (per day)
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily
Go on one date with my wife

Please pray for my weigh-in tomorrow. I'd love to weigh in at 2.5 pounds lost. I know that might be a lot to ask, but that would bring me to my 1/2 way point. That would be super cool.

Bless you all!

The Benefit of Interruptions

I had three interruptions today. Three events/people that made me adjust my plans.

First, I had a co-worker who needed some help--she was just too busy. So I spent about 45 minutes to an hour helping her send out some quotes. Yeah, I had stuff to do and yeah, I couldn't workout in my work's gym. But, you know? I was able to help out a fellow employee--and that's a good reason to adjust plans.

Next, I went on my walk after work, and once I got to the park, over the volume of the sermons on my Zune, I heard my name called. It was my oldest brother. He had come to the park with my Sister-in-law and my niece and nephew. I stayed and played with them on all the fun toys. I only got a 2 mile-walk in (funny, now it's "only" a two-mile walk...juts 4 months ago, that seemed like a marathon!). But, more importantly, I was able to spend time with family. And that's a good reason to adjust plans.

Finally, I had to forgo spending time with my wife, Anna. I hadn't spent much time with Jake, my best friend (and fraternal twin brother), in the last few weeks. So, I went over to his house and spent some time with him planning our Fantasy Football draft. And that's a good reason to adjust plans.

Also, I was able to finally make my Super Duper Walnut Butter. :) It's a play off my friend Steve's Super Walnut Butter. It's not as healthy, but I'm also not on the South Beach Diet! Here's what I came up with:

Super Duper Walnut Butter
3lbs of Walnuts
1/2 cup of Sugar
1/2 cup of Flax Seed Oil
2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
1 tsp Salt

Blend everything in the food processor in batches until resembling paste. Stir together. Makes about 7 cups. Store in refrigerator.

Now, on to my totals:

1- 2-Mile Walk
100 calf raises
Jump Rope for 5 minutes
Read the Bible (Proverbs 1)
Pray Daily

1.5 Hours on the Elliptical
600 Calf Raises
225 Sit-Ups
Jump Rope for 14 minutes
7- 20 second planks
Read Bible (Matthew 1-2; 1Corinthians 1-2; Ezra; Psalms 1-2; Proverbs 1)

1 Hour on the Elliptical
1- 3 mile walk/runs; 1- 1 mile walk/run
100 calf raises
125 sit ups
Jump rope for 1 minutes
Build up to 10- 20 second Planks
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily

What I've Learned on My Walks

I go for a few walks a week (usually 4). And they take about an hour. When I get to the park, I have about 35-45 minutes to walk around the park and look and observe--and that's a lot of time. During these walks, I've seen and learned a number of things:

I have a problem with pride. I'm not the only one who tries to get my exercise in on the track around the park. And there are many different people who are out there. There are skinny people, fat people, young people, old people, mothers, fathers, children. But I always find myself comparing myself to all of them and becoming prideful when I see people struggle around the track. When I can lap them, it gives me pleasure. That's not cool. What do I have to be proud of? I'm still fat. I'm just less fat than I was (but I still have a LONG way to go). I should be blessing all of us on the track. I should be saying a prayer for everyone I pass or who passes me. It's definitely something I need to work on.

When my wife and I have kids, it's important to not only teach them healthy living, but also to model it. One night last week, I was given an example of what this could look like. Of course, it was an incomplete example. Why? Well, it was a family of three: mom, dad, and son. The mom and dad were both overweight...and sitting on the bench. The son, though, at about 9 years old, was super active. In fact, he would line up by the bench and the dad would time him running around the 1/3 mile track. I can't tell you how many times he lapped me! But while I was happy for the son, I was saddened by the parents. They could have/should have been at least walking around the track. While the son seemed excited about running, what kind of example are they setting for their child? What model for adult living will he have? I can only pray that Anna and I can model healthy, full living for our kids--when we have them.

It's not just about getting healthy; it's about staying healthy. While I was on my walk a few days ago, I saw an example of being healthy and not letting obstacles become roadblocks. I was walking around the track, and walking around the track the other way was a man with a limp. As he got closer, I realized that this 65 year old man had had a stroke recently: he had the limp to the left, his left hand was still stiff and rigid, half of his face drooped a little but. But he was out there. He was walking. And he was going the same pace as me! How cool is that?! I asked him how many laps he did. He responded with, "Until I get tired. About 6 or 7." That's over 2 miles. I was very impressed and left with the realization that becoming healthy is a process that never ends.

Those are just a few things I've learned. There have been more and there will be more. I'll try to post them as I gather them.

On to my totals:

.5 Hours on the Elliptical
1- 3 mile walk (didn't do the run today--since I headed out too late for the sun)
200 calf raises
75 sit ups
Jump Rope for 6 minutes
8- 20 second Planks
Read the Bible (Psalm 1-2)
Pray Daily

1.5 Hours on the Elliptical
500 Calf Raises
225 Sit-Ups
Jump Rope for 9 minutes
7- 20 second planks
Read Bible (Matthew 1-2; 1Corinthians 1-2; Ezra)

1 Hour on the Elliptical
2- 3 mile walk/runs
200 calf raises
125 sit ups
Jump rope for 6 minutes
Build up to 10- 20 second Planks
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily

How I'm able to succeed

So, I've now decided that my posts should have more meat to them. I've been charting my progress, and that's good. But I want this documentation of my journey to be much more than that. I'll still chart my progress at the bottom of my posts, but I think that'll be more of an afterthought.

I've decided to talk today about how I can succeed. I know I'm not there yet, but I should hit my halfway mark on Saturday, and I've been doing this for almost 4 1/2 months. That's crazy to me. Just crazy. I never thought I could do this for a month, much less 4. I never thought I could exercise 4-5 days a week. I never thought I could lose over 60 pounds. I never thought I'd have the fortitude, or the tenacity, or the will power. And then, last night, while talking to Anna, it occurred to me: I can't. I don't.

I can't do this. I don't have the power to do this. The power is God. He is the one who is strong enough. He is the one with real tenacity (Read the book of Judges--or most of the Old Testament--if you want to see how God keeps on trying even though we keep on failing). I'm just a sin-sick man. I'm just a lying cheating failure. I am. We all are. BUT that's not the end of it. I'm so blessed to have Jesus in my life; to have the Holy Spirit within me; to have the LORD watching over me. That's the only way I am able to do this--through the power and support of Him. True, I have great support (both in person, and in comments). True, I still need to walk those miles, to jump that rope, to stay away from that poison (my old eating habits). But I can only be successful with Him guiding (and sometimes pulling me).

Now, some people might be able to lose weight on their own. And some people my never have God rescue them from their obesity. And some will see God help them out of their unhealthy life only to fall in again. I'm not sure why that happens. I can't explain the way the Lord works (or evil forces: Satan, demons, etc...for that matter). It's a battle field out there, and I can't begin to understand why everything happens. But, I know, for me (in this one area for now), God is helping me through it.

It's so funny. I was raised a Christian (my late mother was one of the best examples of living a Christ-filled life ever). I strayed a little, but not too much. I've been baptized. But it was always intellectual faith (talk about a contradiction!). I knew I believed it, but I didn't feel it. Well, you know what? I do now. And man, it's a great feeling! Praise God.

So, sorry to those who weren't expecting me to rave about God like this. But man, I just feel so blessed. I'm honored, but more than that, humbled that God would involve Himself in my life so intimately. Wow.

Okay, stats time!

.5 Hours on the Elliptical
1- 3 mile walk/run (man, this kicked my butt!)
150 calf raises
75 sit ups
7- 20 second Planks
Read the Bible (Ezra 8-10)
Pray Daily
Went on date with my wife (great Lebanese/Middle Eastern Restaurant in Renton)

1 Hour on the Elliptical
300 Calf Raises
150 Sit-Ups
Jump Rope for 9 minutes
7- 20 second planks
Read Bible (Matthew 1-2; 1Corinthians 1-2; Ezra)
Went on date with Anna

1.5 Hours on the Elliptical
3- 3 mile walk/runs
400 calf raises
200 sit ups
Jump rope for 12 minutes
Build up to 10- 20 second Planks
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily

08.29.09 Update

.5 Hours on the Elliptical
150 Calf Raises
75 Sit-Ups
Jump Rope for 9 minutes
6- 20 second planks
Read Bible

2.0 Hours on the Elliptical
4- 3 mile walks
550 calf raises
275 sit ups
Jump rope for 12 minutes
Build up to 10- 20 second Planks
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily
Go on one date with my wife

Week 20

Weight: 306.6

Weight lost in one week: 7.6
Total weight lost: 61.8
Average weekly weight loss: 3.09

Weight left to lose: 66.6
Weeks left at average loss: 21.55
Estimated total weeks: 41.55 (about 9.60 months)

Okay guys (and gals), to be honest, I'm not sure what happened. Don't get me wrong--I'm thrilled. BUT, I don't want to lose weight at this speed. I'd be much more comfortable with 1-3 pounds a week (but come on--I'm certainly not going to frown at this progress!!). I'm not too sure what caused this dramatic drop, but I'm thinking it came from more walking, the jumping rope, and the planks. Whatever it was, I'm not changing anything yet.

08.21.09 Update & Next Week's Goals

502 Calories on the elliptical
50 calf raises
3 Mile walk
Jump Rope for 9 minutes
Planks (5 sets of 20 seconds each)

2,844 Calories on the elliptical
3 3 mile walks
600 calf raises
275 sit ups
Jump rope for 15 minutes
Tried Planks

-44 Calories on the elliptical
1 3 mile walks
0 calf raises
0 sit ups
Jump rope for 0 minutes

Not bad for the week, I'd say!

Goals for next week:
2.5 Hours on the Elliptical (Trying to get away from a Caloric total. As my body changes, I'll have to do more work for less progress, so I'm thinking that it's better to start with empirical goals--plus I hear that the Calorie measurements are very inaccurate!)
4- 3 mile walks (I'll be doing this a little different, too: Now I'll walk to and from the park (about 1.3 miles), walk around the track 3 times (I'll be skipping a small bit of the track, so I'll go another lap--should be about .7 miles total for that leg), and then do 4 quarter mile sprints down the dirt track (to make up the last mile).
700 calf raises (an average of 100 a day)
350 sit ups (an average of 50 a day)
Jump rope for 21 minutes (an average of 3 minutes a day)
Build up to 10- 20 second Planks (per day)
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily
Go on one date with my wife

These are tough goals, but I think they'll motivate me to keep on exercising every day--not taking the weekend off like usual. And I'm really excited about the new walking/running plan! I don't think that I'll be changing these goals up much week to week--I'd like to build my planks routine up to 10- 60 second planks (but that'll take me a while!)

Please pray for my weigh in tomorrow!

08.20.09 Update

582 Calories on the elliptical
100 calf raises
100 sit ups
Tried planks (4 sets of 20 seconds each. I'll try to increase each day--it's really tough. Wow.)

2,342 Calories on the elliptical
2 3 mile walks
550 calf raises
275 sit ups
Jump rope for 6 minutes
Tried Planks

458 Calories on the elliptical
2 3 mile walks
50 calf raises
0 sit ups
Jump rope for 9 minutes

So, as you can see, I'll probably miss my goal of my walks. The problem is that I procrastinate on them, and then I need to do them every day in order to keep on track. But, the problem is life. It kinda gets in the way. Yesterday, we had a late night with our couples' small group. And tonight Anna and I had some quality time--some things are more important that one goal. Pray for tomorrow as I try to get the most out of my exercise...

08.19.09 Update

580 Calories on the elliptical
150 calf raises
100 sit ups
Tried planks (6 sets of 10 seconds each. That's all I could do. All of you are right--them babies are tough!! But I'll get better)

1,760 Calories on the elliptical
2 3 mile walks
450 calf raises
175 sit ups
Jump rope for 6 minutes
Tried Planks

1,040 Calories on the elliptical
2 3 mile walks
150 calf raises
100 sit ups
Jump rope for 9 minutes

08.18.09 Update

Sorry I missed yesterday's post--I'll make sure that I keep up on the posts (for those of you who come)

Workout for Monday:
580 Calories on the elliptical
1 3 mile walks
150 calf raises
75 sit ups
Jump rope for 6 minutes

Workout for Tuesday;
600 Calories on the elliptical
1 3 mile walks
150 calf raises

1,180 Calories on the elliptical
2 3 mile walks
300 calf raises
75 sit ups
Jump rope for 6 minutes

1,620 Calories on the elliptical
2 3 mile walks
300 calf raises
200 sit ups
Jump rope for 9 minutes
Try planks

Week 19

Weight: 314.2

Weight lost in one week: 3.0
Total weight lost: 54.2
Average weekly weight loss: 2.85

Weight left to lose: 74.2
Weeks left at average loss: 26.03
Estimated total weeks: 45.03 (about 10.39 months)

My goals from now on will be focused on exercise. After all, one of my goals is to become healthy, not just lose weight. Of course, increasing my exercise will undoubtedly result in weight loss (as long as I eat the same--or, even better, less--as last week, which wasn't very good anyway). I just need to make sure that I'm focusing in the right places. I think I might toy with adding "arms" to my workout routine, but that's not official yet. And, once I get below 300 pounds, I think I'll either replace the elliptical with the treadmill, or at least supplement it.

Burn 2,800 Calories on the elliptical
4 3 mile walks
Do 600 calf raises
Do 275 sit ups
Jump rope for 15 minutes
Try planks

Please keep praying for my journey--the increase in comments has really been encouraging! And may God bless you all on your journeys. Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you or pray for.

08.14.09 Update

Here are my totals from today:

Calories burned on the elliptical: 508
Calf Raises: 100
Sit-Ups: 50
Jump Rope: 3 min
3 Mile Walk: 1

Calories burned on the elliptical: 2,830
Calf Raises: 625
Sit-Ups: 330
Jump Rope: 12 min
3 mile walk: 4

Calories burned on the elliptical: -130
Calf Raises: -125
Sit-Ups: -80
Jump Rope: 0 min
3 mile walk: 0
Try planks

Didn't do planks today...or at all this week. I may or may not add it to my goals for next week--we'll have to see. Other than the planks, it was a successful week (well, I guess we'll have to see when I weigh in tomorrow).

08.13.09 Update

Here are my totals from today:
Calories burned on the elliptical: 560
Calf Raises: 100
Sit-Ups: 60
Jump Rope: 2 min
3 Mile Walk: 1

Calories burned on the elliptical: 2,322
Calf Raises: 525
Sit-Ups: 280
Jump Rope: 9 min
3 mile walk: 3

Calories burned on the elliptical: 398
Calf Raises: -25
Sit-Ups: -30
Jump Rope: 3 min
3 mile walk: 1
Try planks

I still haven't tried planks yet...I know I'll get some flack from Steve :). This week has actually been really tough. I think it's because I haven't been getting enough sleep. I know that exercise is more difficult when you're tired. So maybe pray for sleep/rest?

Vibram Five Fingers Update

So, I just called REI, and they have a replacement pair for me. I talked to the shoe sales person, and she said that she'd had never hear of them tearing like they have--we both agreed it must be a rare occurrence. I'll pick them up today and try the walk again. Update to follow.

Remember: "We are in charge of our attitudes."*

* quote by Charles Swindoll

08.12.09 Update

Here are my totals from today:

Calories burned on the elliptical: 582
Calf Raises: 125
Sit-Ups: 65
Jump Rope: 4 min
3 Mile Walk: 1

Calories burned on the elliptical: 1,762
Calf Raises: 425
Sit-Ups: 220
Jump Rope: 7 min
3 mile walk: 2

Calories burned on the elliptical: 938
Calf Raises: 75
Sit-Ups: 30
Jump Rope: 5 min
3 mile walk: 2
Try planks

I still haven't tried planks yet...but I did all other exercises. And I'm well ahead of my daily average, so that's great.

After reading my friend's blog, and he brought up some crazy shoes: Vibram Five Fingers. I read up on it all day yesterday, and on the way home today, I stopped by the flagship REI store--and bought a pair! How much do I love them? A TON! But, there was a problem: one of the shoes tore in two places after wearing them for 5 hours, going on my walk, and jumping rope. Reading a bunch of site about the shoes tells me that these must be a defective pair. I'm hoping to return them tomorrow and rock the rest of the week (and weekend) with a new pair of KSO's!

08.11.09 Update

Here are my totals from today:

Calories burned on the elliptical: 602
Calf Raises: 150
Sit-Ups: 80

Calories burned on the elliptical: 1,180
Calf Raises: 300
Sit-Ups: 155
Jump Rope: 3 min
3 mile walk: 1

Calories burned on the elliptical: 1,520
Calf Raises: 200
Sit-Ups: 95
Jump Rope: 9 min
3 mile walk: 3
Try planks

I still haven't tried planks yet...and I didn't go on a walk...or do any jumping rope. We have my dad (and sometimes my uncle, too) over for dinner most Tuesdays. Since he was over, we were able to load another bunch of dirt and yard refuse into his truck so he can use it in his yard (he has 7.5 acres--considered a lot of land in the Seattle area). It was about an hour or so of work, and hauling 3 cubic yards of dirt with a wheelbarrow and a shovel is a bit of exercise. So I feel fine that I didn't jump rope or do the other things...but tomorrow I'll do all three, promise!

Have a great night, everybody!

08.10.09 Update

Here are my totals from today:

Calories burned on the elliptical: 578
Calf Raises: 150
Sit-Ups: 75
Jump Rope: 3 min
3 mile walk: 1

Calories burned on the elliptical: 2,122
Calf Raises: 350
Sit-Ups: 175
Jump Rope: 9 min
3 mile walk: 3
Try planks

The 3 mile walks are nice, but I've just added almost another hour to my workout routine each day...with the work I do during my lunch hour that makes almost 2 hours a day of exercise. That doesn't constitute an obsession, right?

Thanks for your prayers and support!

Progress Pictures 1

2 Encouraging Signs and 3 Prayer Requests

So, I've now been on this journey for just over four months. I started with, really, 3 goals: become more healthy (lose weight), enrich my relationship with God (read the Bible, strengthen my prayer life, get plugged in at Emmaus Road), and become a better husband (sacrifice for Anna, treat her with patience and grace, and show her how much I love her).

My weight loss has been going the best of all three goals. There were two things that happened today that really surprised/encouraged me! 1) I was told by one of the members at my church that he noticed I had lost a lot of weight--he actually called me svelte! :) That felt great! 2) I needed to buy some new jeans, since mine had become too large and baggy! I went to Old Navy, and was able to buy them off the shelf!!!

Granted, it was the largest pair, but still, so encouraging. So, that means that in 4 months, I've gone from a loose-ish 48x30 to a tight-ish 42x32! That's a good start.

My second goal of getting closer to God has been a mixed bag. I've been attending Emmaus Road on a very regular basis (maybe missed 6 weeks since last September) and have been a part of our local Gospel Community (what our church calls its small groups); however, I have not been reading the Bible much at all and my prayer life has been very light (other than saying grace before dinner and praying maybe 4 nights a week before we go to bed).

My third goal of becoming a better husband has been the least successful. I still disrespect my wife (not yelling or criticizing, or things like that, but I'm very impatient). And I've been lazy with showing my love to her. This really is the one area where I feel the worst. I am embarrassed to write about this struggle, but I'm very grateful that both my wife and the Lord have enough grace to forgive me daily!

So, you've seen the two encouraging signs--both about my weight. The three prayer requests are geared to each of my goals:

  1. Prayer that I would treat Anna with more respect and more grace--as the gift from God that she is. I want to do something nice for her this week.

  2. Prayer that I would read the Bible more regularly and pray with intentionality.

  3. Prayer that I wouldn't let up on my weight loss. I have made great strides, and it's tempting to lay off and feel like I can take it easy--"I have this in the bag, right?" But I can't do that. I need to keep the pressure on. I'm excited to see how long it will take me to get halfway to my goal--but I know I need to do it in a smart way. So please pray (those of you who are) that I would maintain my focus without allowing it to become too strong an influence in my life.
Thanks for your support so far, and God bless you on your own journeys!

Week 18

Weight: 317.2

Weight lost in one week: 1.4
Total weight lost: 51.2
Average weekly weight loss: 2.84

Weight left to lose: 77.2
Weeks left at average loss: 27.18
Estimated total weeks: 45.18 (about 10.42 months)

This week's goal will continue on the theme of exercise. My weight loss was less this week, but that's actually pretty good, since I had my family reunion, took a day off work, and had my company's National Sales Meeting (where there's drinking and lots of eating). So, here are my goals:

Burn 2,700 Calories on the elliptical
4 3 mile walks
Do 500 calf raises
Do 250 sit ups
Jump rope for 12 minutes
Try planks

Please keep praying for my journey. And may God bless you all on your journeys.

08.07.09 Update - part 2

Here are my totals for my second workout today:

Calories burned on the elliptical: 593
Calf Raises: 55
1 2 mile walk

2709 Calories
210 Sit-Ups
600 Calf Raises
Jump Rope for 10 Minutes
4 2 mile walks

-109 Calories
-10 Sit-Ups
-200 Calf Raises
Jump Rope for 0 Minutes
0 2 mile walks

I'm still planning on going for a walk tonight, and will also post posted a picture of the gym at work--yep, Steve, we do have a gym at work. Not a bad one, either!

God Bless you all tonight, and please pray for my weigh in tomorrow. I'll actually be posting my first before and during pictures! Yikes!!

08.07.09 Update - part 1

Here are my totals for my first workout today:

Calories burned on the elliptical: 1029
Sit-Ups: 25
Calf Raises: 125

2116 Calories
210 Sit-Ups
545 Calf Raises
Jump Rope for 10 Minutes
3 2 mile walks

484 Calories
-10 Sit-Ups
-145 Calf Raises
Jump Rope for 0 Minutes
1 2 mile walk

Later, I'll try to hit the elliptical again before I leave work--should be another 25 minutes and I'll reach my goal. I also plan on walking tonight and maybe trying some more sit-ups, calf raises, and jumping rope. We'll have to see, though...

08.06.09 Update

Here are my totals for my workouts today (keep in mind that I was at a sales meeting today):

Calories burned on the elliptical: 0
Sit-Ups: 60
Calf Raises: 120
Jump Rope for 3 minutes
1 2 Mile Walk

1087 Calories
185 Sit-Ups
420 Calf Raises
Jump Rope for 10 Minutes
3 2 mile walks

1513 Calories
15 Sit-Ups
-20 Calf Raises
Jump Rope for 0 Minutes
1 2 mile walk

Okay, we'll see about tomorrow. It could be an issue with the elliptical. I think I might try to do two sessions tomorrow to compensate. Hmm...

08.05.09 Update

Here are my totals for my workouts today (keep in mind that I'm at a sales meeting today and tomorrow...):

Calories burned on the elliptical: 226
Sit-Ups: 50
Calf Raises: 100
Jump Rope for 3 minutes

1087 Calories
125 Sit-Ups
300 Calf Raises
Jump Rope for 7 Minutes
2 2 mile walks

1513 Calories
75 Sit-Ups
100 Calf Raises
Jump Rope for 3 Minutes
2 2 mile walks

I think I might miss my elliptical goal, but I'll try to compensate with my other exercises. We'll see.

08.04.09 Update

Here are my totals for my workouts so far this week. It's not much, since I had my family reunion (I ate better there than before, but still not great--too many hot dogs) this weekend, and had a day off from work yesterday.

Calories burned on the elliptical: 861
Sit-Ups: 75
Calf Raises: 200
Jump Rope for 4 minutes
2 2 mile walks

1739 Calories
125 Sit-Ups
200 Calf Raises
Jump Rope for 6 Minutes
2 2 mile walks

These goals may be a little tough, because (once again, poor planning) I have an off-site company meeting tomorrow and Thursday. It could be tough to get to the gym those two days. I think I can make it tomorrow somehow, which would mean that I need to get my 2,600 Calories burned in 3 sessions! That's why I spent a little longer today on the elliptical and burned almost 1/3 of my goal. I'll try to take a walk to the park tonight and jump rope for 2-3 minutes... I walked to the park with my wife tonight and jumped rope for 4 minutes.

Thanks for your continued prayers! Lord knows I need them!!

Week 17

Weight: 318.6

Weight lost in one week: 1.6
Total weight lost: 49.8
Average weekly weight loss: 2.93

Weight left to lose: 78.6
Weeks left at average loss: 26.83
Estimated total weeks: 43.83 (about 10.11 months)

This week's goal will continue on the theme of exercise. My weight loss was less this week, but I'm thinking that some of that is because I gained muscle mass. So, here are my goals:

Burn 2,600 Calories on the elliptical
Walk to the park and two laps around the track (a total of 2 miles) 4 days
Do 400 calf raises
Do 200 sit ups
Jump rope for 10 minutes

Please keep praying for my journey. And may God bless you all on your journeys.