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Trying to stay on track

Today was the first potluck of the season for me.  I did okay, but not great.  I had 1-1/2 plates of food...and 3 rice crispy squares.  Oops!  It really is tough to keep on track.  Today is the first time I'm really coming to grips with that.  Prayers would be very helpful.  Because I'm not sure I'll be able to navigate through this season without your prayers.  Watch, just after I say this, I'll have another decent loss this week, huh? :)  Regarless, your support means a lot!

Work has been stressful.  I'm really glad I'm changing roles, but it's the changing that's so difficult. I need to get a lot of stuff wrapped up, but with my new role, and my workout routine, and the holidays, it's pretty difficult to get everything done.  But I'll get 'er done.  I have to!

1- 15 minute session on the Elliptical
1- 20 minute session on the Treadmill (2.04 miles)
1- 10 minute session on the Stairmaster (308 Calories)
1 set of 2- 60 second planks
30 sit ups
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily


3- 15 minute sessions on the Elliptical
3- 20 minute sessions on the Treadmill (2.02 miles; 2.04 miles; 2.04 miles)
3- 10 minute sessions on the Stairmaster (304 Calories; 302 Calories; 308 Calories)
1 set of 2- 60 second planks
120 sit ups
Walk 2.5 miles
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily

2- 15 minute sessions on the Elliptical
2- 20 minute sessions on the Treadmill
2- 10 minute sessions on the Stairmaster
2 sets of 2- 60 second planks
90 sit ups
Walk 12.5 miles
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily
Date with Anna



December 16, 2009 at 3:44 PM

Beej all my positive thoughts are headed your way. You can do this!!! You are stronger than the food. Try to make a plan and stick to it!!!

Thanks for the hilarity on my blog...going for an interview for a job I don't want...who would have though it.

I actually have a very hard time in interview situations so the experience was great. Not sure how I did, but I will know sooner or later. I am happy with the other parts of the competition that I achieved so I will be happy either way.

I am over here cheering for you Beej! You are the boss, not the food.