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Week 57

Weight: 221.0
Weekly loss: 2.6
Total weight lost: 147.4
Average Weekly Loss: 2.59

So it's not 3 pounds, but 2.6 is super exciting!  This week I also didn't run too much (Birkam Yoga is taking up some of that afternoon wokout time.  But that just means that I need to make sure that on the days without Yoga I go out for a good run--maybe a 6 miler.  I need to get that Spilling Hope mileage up!

My measurements were a little weird.  My neck, thigh, calf, and bicep measurements went up.  But all my other measurements went down.  It's strange, but I'll take it.  I'm thinking that the growth in these areas are either from the pushups I'm doing or from a change in the way I measure (though I try to do it the same way each time).  It's not like all of my measurements should be going down all the time--I do want to be building muscle.  And I'm thinking that my waist is about where it will end up (my hips are pretty much sticking out right now), but my stomach still needs to come down.  



May 9, 2010 at 9:31 AM

Great loss, beej!!! Bodies can be weird sometimes, huh? With weight loss not matching measurements and all.


May 9, 2010 at 10:11 AM

Yay Beej!!! Great loss.

  South Beach Steve

May 9, 2010 at 2:24 PM

Great loss Beej!


May 10, 2010 at 2:25 PM
