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Tonight was a great night with some of our friends.  Tung and Julie have been friends of ours for years (Anna longer than me), and I truly appreciate their fellowship.  We had some great food: Black Bean Pumpkin Soup, Cilantro Lime Rice, and (for dessert) Balsamic Strawberry Chocolate Ganache Cake.  They were all new recipes.  And they all need tweaking.  But I'm particularly excited about the Cake.  I'll work on it a few more times, but then I'll be back with a new recipe post.  I'm bummed it isn't perfect, but it will be.  I love this whole creative part, you know?

So, working out was pretty dang good.  I got some pushups in--and I'm finally doing the real ones!  I can do 15 at a time, max.  But I get all 50 in everyday.  And I'm working on getting to be able to do all 50 in one go.  I can't tell you how excited I am to be doing them the "right" way, you know?

I also have some exciting news, but I'm not quite ready to share it with you yet--just know that I have a new goal coming up!

30 minutes on elliptical
15 minutes on stair stepper
50 situps
50 push ups
2 60 second front planks
2 30 second side planks; each side
read the bible
read my devotion

60 minutes on elliptical
30 minutes on exercise bike
45 minutes on stair stepper
200 situps
200 push ups
4 60 second front planks
4 30 second side planks; each side
3 miles walked/ran
read the bible
read my devotion

Weekly Calorie Count:
Sunday: 2,185 Calories
Monday: 2,095 Calories
Tuesday: 2,230 Calories
Wednesday: 1,475 Calories

Daily Average: 1,996 Calories.


  South Beach Steve

May 27, 2010 at 5:27 AM

Grats on the push ups. It won't be long until you do all 50 at once.

Waiting in eager anticipation . . .


May 27, 2010 at 5:43 PM

Wooohoooo on the push ups! I sent you a message through FB, not sure if you check in there often.

Looking forward to the news!

  Call me Ishmael

May 27, 2010 at 6:02 PM

Push ups rule! I love them. I can almost do them the "right" way, but still need a slight incline. I can do a few in the classic form, but it tends to hurt my back a bit.

Still, they are a fantastic from of exercise, I think. I love workouts that only need your body and the will to do it. Push ups and tabata rock.