Yesterday, Rob asked me about my workouts & my intensity level. So, tonight, I thought I would give an example of my daily exercise.
5:30 a.m.
I'm not too good at this, but I'd like to (and did today) start my morning off with my 30 situps and 15 pushups--and eventually my planks.
9 a.m.
This is my main cardio session. I usually start with the stationary bike. I'm now doing 12 minutes (an hour a week). And I try to do at least 3.5 miles. I try to be at about level 10-12
If I didn't do my planks, I do those here, as well as my muscle-building session (when I do them).
Next, I do the stairstepper (I need to do it early, becuase if I don't, I get too tired to hit my goal). On the stairstepper, I always do 10 minutes. More than that is too much for me. I used to try to hit 200 Calories. Then 300. But I decided to work on a different goal--one that wasn't Calorie based (since I would find it harder and harder to hit my goals as I lost weight). Now, I try to hit 100 floors a session.
Then it's on to my longest friend: the elliptial. I now do 12 minutes (an hour a week). And I use this a little to do cool down, but I also try to do some real work. At least 160 Calories (I need to find a better goal on the elliptical!). I usually alternate between level 13 and level 17.
And that's the end of my workout. And I usually look like this:
6 p.m.
Most days (or as often as I can), I wrap up my day with an evening walk/run. And I try to go at least 3 miles, and sometimes 5 (if I'm feeling that up to it):
And that's my typical workout. How do you push yourself?
12 minutes on elliptical
12 minutes on stair stepper
10 minutes on exercise bike
1 set of 2 60 second front planks
2 sets of 30 second side planks
1 set of 2 60 second back planks
30 situps
15 push ups
ran 3.75 miles
read the bible
36 minutes on elliptical
36 minutes on stair stepper
10 minutes on exercise bike
2- muscle building sessions
3 sets of 2 60 second front planks
6 sets of 30 second side planks
1 sets of 2 60 second back planks
150 situps
75 push ups
ran/walked 8.75 miles
prayed daily
read the bible daily
Weekly Calorie Count:
Saturday: 2,815 Calories
Sunday: 2,505 Calories
Monday: 990 Calories
Tuesday: 2,160 Calories
Wednesday: 2,050 Calories
Daily Average: 2,104 Calories.
Want to watch me twEAT? Check it out here.
March 11, 2010 at 4:08 AM
Thanks for sharing that, man! Again that's one awesome workout. 100 or more floors, very impressive indeed. I use a stair climber that's like a treadmill that moves and keeps the stairs going. When I start my cardio back up I'll have to see how many floors I can do in the time that you set out for. It gives me something to shoot for.
That's why I like it when people share there routine. It gives me something to incorporate into my daily routine as well. Like when I get up, the first thing I do is head to the computer. I'd probably make better process if I first did some sit-ups, push-ups instead. Thanks for that idea.
Your doing and looking great man! Keep it up.
March 11, 2010 at 5:05 AM
Amazed. As always, amazed.
March 11, 2010 at 12:14 PM
Compared to that? I don't push all (at least not to THAT level). That's an amazing. I like how you have a non-calorie based goal for the stairstepper, even though I loathe the very idea of the stairstepper :-P
March 11, 2010 at 12:15 PM
That's an amazing WORKOUT, I mean. Proofreading fail.
March 11, 2010 at 3:41 PM
Awesome workout! No wonder you are rockin' the losses! I am proud of are so inspirational.
March 11, 2010 at 6:23 PM
That is eye-opening Beej. What an effort. So that's what it takes -- an early wake up call...Noooooooo!!! I can never wake up early enough.
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