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07.29.09 Update

Here are my totals for the day's workout:

Calories burned on the elliptical: 679
Sit-Ups: 60
Calf Raises: 125
1 Walk around the park

So far, I've done:
2026 Calories
160 Sit-Ups
325 Calf Raises
2 Walks around the park
1 minute of jumping rope (did this yesterday, but it turns out that a jump rope that is great for my 5' tall wife doesn't really work for my 6'2" body! Who woulda thought?) - I'll get a new rope for myself for today.

That means, all I have left is:
444 Calories
10 Sit-Ups
25 Calf Raises
Jump Rope for 59 Minutes (planning on 20 minutes today)

I'll update this post once I've finished my goals for the day.


  South Beach Steve

July 29, 2009 at 5:47 PM

I am anxious to read how the 60 minutes of jumprope goes. I cannot manage more than a couple of minutes - it is some kind of tough. Good luck though, it is great exercise! Make it a great day!