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07.28.09 Update

Here are my totals for the day's workout:

Calories burned on the elliptical: 677
Sit-Ups: 50
Calf Raises: 100

I've always been like this. In college, I would track my points total throughout the quarter to determine how well I needed to do on my final to get the grade I wanted. So, I would work my butt off to get 100% on all my homework/papers and mid-terms, so that I could "take it easy" on the final, only get 75%, and still end up with a 3.5 or so.

Same here.

So far, I've done:
1347 Calories
100 Sit-Ups
200 Calf Raises

That means, all I have left is:
1123 Calories
70 Sit-Ups
150 Calf Raises
Jump Rope for 60 Minutes
1 walk to the park and around the track

Of course, I could always just power through and see how much over I can do. If you can surpass your goal instead of hitting it, why not?


  South Beach Steve

July 28, 2009 at 5:52 PM

Nonis - I have always been that way too. I drove my friends crazy in school because I was always trying to figure out where I was in my classes. :-)

Great workout!


July 29, 2009 at 10:08 AM

Sounds like you are getting in some great workouts. Keep up the great workouts!


July 29, 2009 at 11:54 AM

Hey Guys~

Thanks for the encouragement! It sure helps to know that people are watching my progress and holding me accountable. Steve, you've been so great with the encouragement! She-Fit, welcome and hello!