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Family Time

First of all, I want to thank everyone who has commented on my latest weigh-in.  I'm now sitting at at over 100 poinds lost.  It's still pretty crazy to think that I've lost so much weight.  At such a constant rate.  I've only lost weight 3 times this journey (of course, I still have the Holidays coming up...)--and then it was one week at the very beginning, one week on a cruise, and one week was a gain of 0.2 pounds while changing up my weighing-in mehtod.  I'm excited to see where this journey goes as I lose my last 26 pounds.  

Tonight, I should have done a DVD workout with Anna, or taken a longer walk (I got 3 miles in), or somehting like that; but instead, Anna and I visited my nephew's dance class.  It's so cute!  He's 5 1/2, but his class got eliminated (he was the only one in it), and now he's in the 7-8 year old class.  And he's already a small lad.  So he looks tiny!  But he looks so cute.  And he loves it.

After the dance class, we went next door to a small pizza place.  It's been a while since I've had pizza from a place like that (when we have pizza, it's usually a thin crust, reduced-fat take-and-bake place), and I could tell.  Ugh.  It was too salty and heavy, and greasy, and just pretty nasty.  And I had too many pieces.  Pizza is definitely one of my trigger foods.  I guess it's a good thing I had my fast day today.

And I guess that means I'll have to do a double DVD day on Friday or somehting...that'll be interesting!     

Up to Monday:
2- 15 minute session on the Elliptical
2- 20 minute session on the Treadmill
2- 10 minute session on the Stairmaster
900 sit ups
Walk 6.5 miles
5 DVD Workouts
1 set of 2- 60 second planks
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily

2- 15 minute sessions on the Elliptical
2- 20 minute sessions on the Treadmill
2- 10 minute sessions on the Stairmaster
120 sit ups
Walk 8.5 miles
5 DVD Workouts
3 sets of 2- 60 second planks
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily
Date with Anna


  South Beach Steve

November 24, 2009 at 8:17 AM

Beej, I am still awed at your progress.

Isn't it funny how our tastes and our bodies change over time. I don't know about you, but I am truly thankful for that.


November 24, 2009 at 9:34 AM

You've only had 3 gains? That ROCKS man! You're doing fantastic! I think it's great that the pizza no longer appealed to you (cooked that way). I still *want* burgers and fries and pizza and soda. I'm hoping I reach the day when those things no longer appeal to me either.

Anyway, glad you got to see your nephew...Sounds like your priorities are right where they need to be. :-)


November 24, 2009 at 5:00 PM

You are doing such a great job with your weight loss. Goal is just an inch away it seems!

Nice that you were able to see your nephew.

Three miles is great. Be proud of what you did!!!