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My First Triathalon

Today was the day of my first Triathalon.  I'd been looking forward to this for a couple of months.  I rode over 100 miles, I ran a ton, I swam a couple of hours.  Going into it, I figured that if I could get through the 1/2 mile swim portion, I'd be okay; I could finish the biking and running just fine.  How right I was.

We went to bed early last night.  And woke up at about 4:30.  Right on time.  Before we left, I made some coffee:

When we arrived at the park, I got my bike into the transition area and got it all set up.

Then I did all my stretching:

And got into my swim cap:

And got into the water (64 degrees):

And at 6:56 am, the airhorn went off and I started swimming at the back of the pack.  And after about 100 feet, I switched to a back stroke...And then I realized how right I was about the lynch pin being on the swim leg.  Let's just get to it:

That's right.  I didn't finish.  But I'm not upset about it.  I am frustrated with myself, yeah, because I didn't apply myself enough.  I didn't train enough for the swimming portion.  And I should have.  And Anna encouraged me to.  But I didn't. 

But I'm not giving up.  I'll start training for another triathalon and will finish one. 

My biggest lesson from all of this?  Failing at something does not make one a faulire.


  Shelli Belly

July 19, 2010 at 1:35 AM

True True True
You were there. You gained experience and next time you'll finish. B~ just remember how far you've come. Register for another one soon.


July 19, 2010 at 12:52 PM

True dat. You only fail if you give up. I'm sorry you DNF, but I'm glad you are not giving up!

  Ben @

July 19, 2010 at 4:57 PM

You are so right! You're so positive! Keep it up!

  South Beach Steve

July 20, 2010 at 5:07 AM

Beej, like most things in life, if you took something positive away from this, especially if the positives outweigh the negatives, then you won no matter what. Sure, you didn't finish the race, and you really would have liked to have done so, but guess what - you gained experience. You confirmed the area you need more experience, and the next time you go, you won't be a newbie.

I'm proud of you!

btw, the CAPTCHA word is "flyplier". I have to wonder, if flyplier was a real word, what would that be? :-)


July 20, 2010 at 9:46 AM

BJN, The swim is that hardest part. You can't see, your adrenaline is going HARD and its cold water so its hard to breath. You WILL get there my man and conquer that thing. You now have something to beat for next time. DBax


July 20, 2010 at 2:30 PM

No giving up and not trying again makes you a failure, you did not fail, you learned! You need to train the swimming part more. Go forth and apply said knowledge I look forward to hearing how it goes.