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swimming schedule

Okay, so I guess I have to figure out the schedule at the pool.  I went today to the open swim time, but I really think that's deceptive.  It's not open swim at all.  It's more of "hanging out" time.  At the shallow end of the pool, there were lots of kids/toddlers and their parents.  So no swimming laps there.  At the deep end of the pool, there were lots of teens lounging and flirting with each other.  So no swimming laps there.  And then, all along the rim of the pool, there were more kids jumping off into the pool.  So no swimming laps there.  So, as a result, I did the equivalent of about 10-20 laps; but the time wasn't totally wasted, because I spent the rest of the time treading water and practicing my kicks and arm movements.

But, there is a Lap Swim time right after that hour, so I'll be trying that one out next time.  It's a process, but I'll get there!


15 minutes on elliptical
15 minutes on the stairstepper
15 minutes strength training
1 hour in pool
50 situps
50 pushups
read the bible
read my devotion

45 minutes on elliptical
30 minutes on exercise bike
45 minutes on stairstepper
15 minutes strength training
1 hour in pool
250 situps
250 pushups
2 miles walked/ran
read the bible
read my devotion
date with Anna

Weekly Calorie Count:
Sunday: 3,000 Calories (estimated)
Monday: 2,295 Calories
Tuesday: 2,234 Calories
Wednesday: 1,224 Calories
Thursday: 2,387 Calories

Daily Average: 2,228 Calories.



June 4, 2010 at 8:43 PM

You are so funny! I thought everyone knew open swim time was a free-for-all. Worst time to try to swim lengths...EVER.

Glad you found out what time the lap swims are. Enjoy!

  Shelli Belly

June 4, 2010 at 10:23 PM

Swimming is still my favorite. A friend concluded that swimming dosent bring about the fastest weight loss but it will change your body. Have fun.