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Busy week

Caution!  Busy week ahead! 

Today, I was planning on fasting, but I remembered that I had a luinch set up with friends.  It could have been dangerous--we went to a brewery.  But I refrained from beer, and had a wild salmon sandwich with no mayo or cheese, and I had steamed broccoli on the side--success. 

Then Anna and I had a church meeting to go to, so we went to a bar & grill.  This time I "indulged" a little bit: I had a chicken breast sandwich with no mayo or cheese, but this time I had fries.  It had been a while since I had fries and I enjoyed them.

But that's only today. 

I have dinner out with friends tomorrow. 

I have a lunch with a friend on Wednesday. 

I give blood and have small group on Thursday. 

I have a company dinner with Anna on Friday. 

The my 7-mile race on Saturday. 

It'll be a packed and I'll need to intentionally plan my runs.  And I don't want to run on Friday at all.  It'll be interesting.  But I'll make it happen.

Up to Monday:
12 minutes on elliptical
12 minutes on stair stepper
100 situps
100 push ups
2 60 second front planks
2 30 second side planks (each side)
1 mile walked/ran
read the bible
read my devotion

Weekly Calorie Count:
Sunday: 2,499 Calories
Monday: 2,190 Calories

Daily Average: 2,345 Calories.



June 8, 2010 at 1:02 AM

So you eat out. No big deal.

Anyway, dude, AWESOME LOSS! Keep trucking buddy. And happy early birthday! I will try to remember. What date is it?

HOORAY FOR THE 7-MILE RACE! Want to hear all about it :) Remember to taper!


June 8, 2010 at 1:49 AM

Im so excited to cheer you on in the 7 miler as I slowlyslowly get back to running.



June 8, 2010 at 3:06 AM

You will make it a good week Beej. I will look forward to your race on Sat!

  South Beach Steve

June 8, 2010 at 4:34 AM

It sounds like you are preparing to make the best of a busy week. That is half the battle.


June 8, 2010 at 5:46 AM

Busy days ahead! I'm glad you had fries and actually tasted/enjoyed them! I've lost count of the number of times I've eaten stuff like that in the past and not even realised it.

Well done for giving blood! :o)

  Mary - A Merry Life

June 8, 2010 at 4:07 PM

It's going to be a good week. :)

Your race on Saturday is going to be awesome! Like everyone else, I'm anxious to hear about how it goes.


June 8, 2010 at 4:31 PM

Woohooo to the big race!

Definitely sounds like a busy week, but lots of fun in there too.

  natalie a

June 8, 2010 at 8:23 PM

Hey there stranger, I wanted to stop and touch bases with you, I noticed you wanted an update so i posted one, just for you ;)

I'm so happy to see you're doing so well!! I still think you're amazing! I'll try to touch bases a bit more. :)