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Truncated Week

Today is Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, all in one day.  That's just because I have Thursday and Friday off.  And since I only have free access to the gym at work, I'll be trying to pack in as much as I can on the equipement.  But I can't do too much--I still have to work, you know?  So I decided to focus my time on what gives me the most grief: the elliptical and the stairstepper.  And then I use the exercise bike to kinda cool down.  

Now, I know that the week still goes to Sunday, so I can still get my walking/running in.  And my push-ups and situps and planks can also be done all week.  Other than that, I'm still toying with what else I can do for exercise this week while I'm in SF in a hotel (with no gym).  Last time, we were on teh 11th floor, so I know I can run the stairs.

What else should I do?  Any hints/tips?

Oh, also, my brother sent me this wordle of my blog:

How fun is that??

60 minutes on elliptical
60 minutes on stair stepper
30 minutes on exercise bike
10 miles walked/ran
300 sit ups
300 push ups
5 60-second front planks
5 40-second side planks
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily
date with Anna

Up to Monday:
20 minutes on elliptical
20 minutes on stair stepper
10 minutes on exercise bike
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily
date with Anna

40 minutes on elliptical
40 minutes on stair stepper
20 minutes on exercise bike
10 miles walked/ran
300 sit ups
300 push ups
5 60-second front planks
5 40-second side planks
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily


  South Beach Steve

August 31, 2010 at 4:57 AM

Enjoy the extra long weekend Beej - it sounds like you have some good plans.


August 31, 2010 at 10:34 AM

Good for you for planning in exercise while traveling. That's (one of) my achilles' heels.