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I've been counting my Calories again, and I'm really liking it!  I know that I ate a lot more than one would expect today, seeing as how I fasted for breakfast and lunch.  But, again, my reasons for fasting aren't diet-based.  They're faith-based.  And I'm still doing pretty well on my eating, I'd if only I could get to that running...

20 minutes on elliptical
20 minutes on stair stepper
10 minutes on exercise bike
100 sit ups
100 push ups
2 60-second front planks
2 40-second side planks
read the bible
read my devotion
Calories: 1,127

40 minutes on elliptical
40 minutes on stair stepper
20 minutes on exercise bike
100 situps
100 push ups
2 60-second planks
2 40-second planks
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily
Monday Calories: 2,231
Tuesday Calories: 1,127

20 minutes on elliptical
20 minutes on stair stepper
10 minutes on exercise bike
10 miles walked/ran
200 sit ups
200 push ups
3 60-second front planks
3 40-second side planks

pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily


  South Beach Steve

September 1, 2010 at 4:59 AM

I don't think the calories are too bad for only eating one meal. My dinners are usually high calorie meals - even more so when I do IF that day.

Your post reminded me I need to start back with the planks.