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Feeling Normal

A funny thing happened the other day.  Anna and I were walking through Target.  And I felt normal.  I didn't feel fat.  I know that I've been in a pretty good place, weight-wise for a while now, but it always takes longer for the mind to catch up to the body--both ways.  And while this will in NO WAY delay my progress on this journey, it certainly was a nice development.  I guess it helps that I can fit into "normal"-sized jeans and shirts!

15 minutes on elliptical
15 minutes on stair stepper
15 minutes on exercise bike
read the bible
read my devotion
date with Anna

45 minutes on elliptical
45 minutes on stair stepper
45 minutes on exercise bike
3 miles ran
100 situps
100 push ups
2 60-second front planks
2 40-second planks
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily
date with Anna

15 minutes on elliptical
15 minutes on stair stepper
15 minutes on exercise bike
12 miles walked/ran
15 miles biked
200 sit ups
200 push ups
3 60-second front planks
3 40-second side planks
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily


  South Beach Steve

August 29, 2010 at 6:52 PM

I go back and forth on this. This weekend was an example of that. I kept getting grouped into the group with the medium-sized guys, and I kept feeling like I was in the wrong place.