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The 2 Degree Difference

I've been wanting to talk about this concept that we saw on a marriage DVD we watched in our small group last week. The term John Trent used in his seminar was "The 2 Degree Difference." It's a pretty common concept, one that was used in Rudy Giuliani's book, The Tipping Point, 212 Degrees, and others. And although it was used in as a way to build stonger marriages, which I totally agree with, I see so many other cases where it would help. Especially in my current journey: weightloss.

The 2 degree difference concept is this: while driving down a curvy road, the smoothest and most successful method of driving is to make many small changes. Not huge jerky ones, and certainly not any swerves or turning around. And it's the same way for us. At least for me, I know I was never very successful with my weight loss when I tried drastic changes. I never really kept it up when tried to cut this out or dodge that. I know it works for some people, but for me it really was and is about the extra helping of mashed potatoes; it's about the drive thru instead of the healthy meal. Before, when I would stop eating bad food cold turkey--when I would swerve and get dietary whiplash--I wouldn't succeed. And then I would tell myself I couldn't succeed. And then I would comfort myself with a pint quart of ice cream and a handful bag of chips. For me, it really has been the small changes that have made the difference.

Remaining Challenge Challenges:
Kimberley: Swimming Pool
Josie: Yoga

Challenge Challenge: Burpees (20), The BW Matrix (Yikes. Probably shouldn't have done both in the same day.)
1- 10 minute session on the Elliptical
2- 10 minute sessions on the Stationary Bike
2- 10 minute sessions on the Stairmaster
1 set of 2- 60 second planks
1 set of 30 second side planks (on each side)
60 sit ups
15 push ups
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily

Challenge Challenge: Burpees (20), The BW Matrix
3- 10 minute session on the Elliptical
3- 10 minute sessions on the Stationary Bike
4- 10 minute sessions on the Stairmaster
2 sets of 2- 60 second planks
2 sets of 30 second side planks (on each side)
120 sit ups
30 push ups
Read the Bible Daily
Pray Daily

Weekly Calories:
Saturday: 2,110 Calories
Sunday: 3,400 Calories
Monday: 1,965 Calories
Tuesday: 2,180 Calories

Running Total: 9,655 Calories (Average daily: 2,414 Calories) Dipped the average a little bit...should come down more over time.  Hold me accountable, follow my twEATS here.



February 17, 2010 at 1:07 AM

Great concept - I like the analogy and hadn't really thought of it like that before. As you say, it can be applied successfully to many areas of your life. :o) Thanks for sharing.

Well done with the challenges!

  Call me Ishmael

February 17, 2010 at 6:05 AM

Hi Beej, that is really interesting stuff. I don't know if you'd like to do this, but I'd love to read about what eating habits you changed. What were/are your small, two-degree differences? (On top of no seconds on mashed potatoes and healthy food instead of drive-thru?)

  natalie a

February 17, 2010 at 9:51 AM

I'm with Ishmael...just curious, you know

as for the workout!!! way to go, I can't believe your did those two together but that's just proof how strong you've become!


February 17, 2010 at 1:32 PM

Very interesting. I am definitely a victim of doing the full 360 and then failing.

February 17, 2010 at 9:07 PM

I hear you BJ this time my weightloss has seemed easy and I think it's because I have made small sustainable changes that I can live with for the rest of my life. I have fundamentally changed the way that I eat in a way I can live with forever, sure there will be splurges but my day to day eating has changed and it was easy because I haven't gone for some radical unsustainable change.