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Hot 100 Update 6

More green than previous weeeks.  Not bad at all!

30 minutes 3 times a week with God.  I did three!  I wish I listened to Him more during this time...but that will come.

Walk/run 175 miles. Missed this.  But I did 8 miles.

No eating after posting my Calorie total.  Another week of success.

Develop post 1 recipe a week.  Not this week.  I was so busy with all of my extra stuff.  I made some mroe food, like a really tasty beef stew, but I didn't get good pictures or write down all of the ingerdients.  I have one recipe I've been working on for a while--Saag Chickpea.

Get 1 item done on the "Honey-Do" list a week. I built a shelf above our fridge and walled off an old closet.  Up, I definitely get green on this one!

Week 82 Weigh-In 
Weight: 226.4

Weekly weight loss: 2.6
Total loss: 142.0

Not a bad loss considering I dealt with a lot of stress and less sleep and less runnin/working out.  I'm happy with a 2.6 pound loss.  As I mentioned, I really do think that this is my most accurate weight--plus, I couldn't deflate it by going for a run right before I stepped on the scale or any of the other little tricks I liked to do...

Not bad at all!

Big goal for the week: NO CANDY!

pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily

Complete my weekly share of Hot 100 Goals
50 minutes cardio
13 miles walked/ran

Saturday: 2,459 Calories
Sunday: 2,184 Calories  
Monday: 2,255 Calories
Tuesday: 2,162 Calories
Wednesday: 1,455 Calories
Thursday: 2,033 Calories
Friday: 2,273 Calories

Daily Average: 2,117 Calories


  South Beach Steve

November 6, 2010 at 7:13 PM

Great week! I would call this a smashing success!


November 7, 2010 at 4:55 PM

A terrific week. Steve's right a smashing success. And now another week to even do better and feel better and wow some more of us.
Keep up the great work Beej. Take care and God Bless!!