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Rehearsal Dinner

Tonight was my brother's wedding rehearsal and dinner.  It went well, and we all had a lot of fun.  Oh, and I had a fair amount of food. Pizza to be exact.  Like 5 pieces.  Ugh. 

Good thing I fasted today. 

But I didn't fast because I knew that I was going to eat pizza (even though I did know it was coming); I fasted because last night, after reporting my Calories, I had some candy--and thus will miss one of my Hot 100 Goals.  I chose today to be my fast day because I--again--let food slip in front of God as my source of comfort; but only for a moment.

45 minutes of cardio
50 sit ups
50 push ups
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily

117 minutes of cardio
250 sit ups
250 push ups
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily
2 dates with Anna

Complete my weekly share of Hot 100 Goals
33 minutes cardio
50 sit ups
50 push ups
10 miles walked/ran
5 60-second front planks
5 60-second side planks
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily

Monday: 2,246 Calories
Tuesday: 2,356 Calories
Wednesday: 2,231 Calories
Thursday: 1,660 Calories



October 8, 2010 at 6:17 AM

I often fall for this too - looking in the wrong place for comfort. Thanks for the reminder!


October 8, 2010 at 6:18 AM

Giving your struggles with food over to God is awesome. People of faith depend on him for so much...why not our weight.


October 8, 2010 at 6:37 AM

Wow, impressive amount of exercise beej. Keep it up.

When you fast, is it for a whole day each week, or just between certain hours? Is this done as part of a particular diet plan? I've heard some good things about the effects of fasting so i'm just being curious.


October 8, 2010 at 7:44 AM

At least it was a short lived moment. Enjoy the wedding festivities bro :)

ps: my word verification for this post is "chapol" which at first, I thought it said 'chapel' which is very fitting for the wedding! hehe

(It doesn't take much to amuse me....)

  South Beach Steve

October 8, 2010 at 4:34 PM

"I--again--let food slip in front of God as my source of comfort;"

What a great way to remind us who is our source of comfort.