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Long day, short post

Tonight was a long (and great) night!  So, sorry, but my post will be short.  Just the stats for today.  And a quick note.  You'll see that my exercise was lighter than usual...that's becausse I gave blood today (my resting heart rate was 40bpm!!), so other than my morning session, I couldn't do any running or strength training.  No heavy activity...

15 minutes on elliptical
15 minutes on stair stepper
15 minutes on exercise bike
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily

45 minutes on elliptical
45 minutes on stair stepper
45 minutes on exercise bike
7.5 miles ran
100 situps
100 push ups
5 60-second front planks
5 60-second side planks
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily

15 minutes on elliptical
15 minutes on stair stepper
15 minutes on exercise bike
2.5 miles walked/ran
200 sit ups
200 push ups
10 60-second front planks
10 60-second side planks

pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily
date with Anna

Monday: 1,904 Calories
Tuesday: 1,209 Calories
Wednesday: 2,478 calories
Thursday: 2,413 Calories


  South Beach Steve

September 10, 2010 at 3:46 AM

Beej, that is an outstanding resting heart rate! Wow, I wish mine was that low.

There is nothing wrong with long, great days, as long as they aren't too frequent. Well, the great part can happen everyday, but the long part - not so much.

  Call Me Ishmael

September 10, 2010 at 4:38 AM

Hey, 40 bpm is amazing. Isn't that like pro-athlete level? Impressive.