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Week 68

Weight: 219.6

Weekly Weight loss: 1.0
Total weight lost: 148.8
Average Weekly Loss: 2.19

Not quite what I wanted to see (still trying to get to that 150 pounds lost milestone, which I should have hit about a month or two ago).  But it's in the right direction, I guess. 

I must say, though, I still need to kick up my dedication to both the eating and working out.  I've been working on eating intuitively, but I also have to make sure that doesn't turn into eating whatever I want whenever I want, you know?  And my working out needs a push, too.  I've been hitting the work gym regularly, but my running and biking have been a little low.  Of course, a lot of that was because fo my sore Achilles, but that's feeling much better now, so I can't use that as an excuse anymore!

This was my last weigh-in of July.  But I'm going to do my best to make my first weigh-in in August a milestone!

Oh, and I found my tape measure.  So the chart's back on!  Of course, the numbers will fluctuate a little bit as I work toward getting back to where I'm measuring in the same location each week.



July 25, 2010 at 1:22 PM

Yay to the loss! Soon you will reach your big milestone. Very exciting!

Glad your Achilles is feeling better. Any kind of foot pain really sucks!

  South Beach Steve

July 26, 2010 at 4:58 AM

I second Kimberley - Yay to the loss! It looks like we may both be back in sync. Beej, I hope this is an exceedingly blessed week for you!