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Listening to my body

Wow, with all the success I've had for so long, it's really weird to have struggles.  And more than that, it's really weird to have to slow down.  I've been running a lot this year. And pushing myself harder and harder.  And I think my body just said, "No."  So, this past weekend and today, I've been going easier on my body.  Here are some changes I'm incorperating this week:

  • I am back to walking for the rest of the week.  No running.  No jogging.  Just walking.
  • I am cutting back on the stairstepper (I just was going too crazy with it).
  • I am foregoing the jumping jacks for now

Really, I'm just trying to not put too much stress on my Achilles.  I'm still trying to be active, and I'm trying to watch my eating like a hawk. 

I know that I have a triathalon coming up--and I will still complete it--but I'm not willing ot do any long-term damage to my body in a quest to build better health.  I mean, what's the point of working so hard on a healthy body if I end up broken anyways?

So, what else should I add in to boost my exercises without adding stress to my Achilles?  Any thoughts/hints?

90 minutes on elliptical
90 minutes on exercise bike
20 minutes on stair stepper
350 situps
350 pushups
5 60 second front planks
5 40 second side planks (each side)
10 miles walked
15 miles biked
2 hours swam
read the bible
read my devotion
date with Anna

Up to Tuesday:
20 minutes on elliptical
25 minutes on exersice bike
5 minutes on stair stepper
10 situps
50 push ups
2 60-second front planks
2 40-second side planks
3 miles walked
1 hour swam
read the bible
read my devotion

Calorie Counts:
Sunday: ?,??? Calories
Monday: ?,??? Calories
Tuesday: 2,075 Calories

Average Daily Calories: 2,075 Calories


  South Beach Steve

July 7, 2010 at 5:17 AM

"I'm not willing ot do any long-term damage to my body in a quest to build better health. I mean, what's the point of working so hard on a healthy body if I end up broken anyways?"

I wish I had heeded this warning earlier, before I originally hurt my elbow. You are wise to slow down a bit my friend. You don't want long-term damage.

  Call Me Ishmael

July 7, 2010 at 7:31 PM

Hey Beej, sorry to hear the Achilles is still gimpy. You are very smart to ease up now. I wish like heck I had not pushed my knee back when I could tell it was getting sore. Instead I kept on it, and ripped the meniscus disc. Now it's a permanent irritant, one I must ice and deal with daily. It's not the end of the world, but I'd be much happier if it had never happened!

As for what you can work out while you do chin ups? I could never do one ever, but wow, wouldn't it be cool to do some?