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Am I a Spark Person?

I've been in this community for over a year, and while I have heard of other people using online food-tracking programs, I haven't used one yet.  I'm sure there are a lot of them, but the one I hear of the most is SparkPeople.  I've been using Twitter to chart my calories for the past 5 months.  I think it's been helpful, but I find myself looking for more details; more info.  So now I'm going to try out the new SparkPeople App for my Nexus One.  Yup, that means no more TwEATS...but I'll still be putting my Calorie totals on my posts. 

One interesting thing (to me) though, is that my SparkPeople App tells me I should be shooting for 1,500- 1,850 Calories a day.  I'm sure that's a pretty low estimate, so I'm changing it to 2,000-2,300 Calories a day.  But, in addition to my Calories, I'll also be tracking my Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein, Iron, Fiber, Sodium, and Water.  I'm thinking this will really help me keep on track.

Spaking of keeping on track, I have to thank my wife.  Without her strength today, we would have gone to a Chinese Buffet.  Luckily, instead, we went to a Pho/Thai restaraunt for lunch.  And I had Tom Yum soup with a side of rice.  620 Calories is sure a lot less than the couple thousand I would have scarffed down--had the choice been mine.

Up to Monday:
100 situps
100 push ups
2 miles walked/ran
read the bible
read my devotion

Weekly Calorie Count:
Sunday: 3,000 Calories (estimated)
Monday: 2,295 Calories

Daily Average: 2,648 Calories.



June 1, 2010 at 8:22 AM

Way to go Anna! And you too BJ for agreeing, you could have insisted on the buffet.


June 1, 2010 at 4:40 PM

I use Calorieking for my online monitoring. It's a paid sight though. I've met some incredible people there. I think it's a little more user friendly from what my friends tell me about SP but hey it's free.


June 1, 2010 at 6:43 PM

Yay for skipping the buffet!

Sometimes I think I would be interested to see how many calories I eat in a day when I am eating healthy. I eat a lot of high (good) fat foods, so I bet my calorie count is quite high and I still lose weight. I am too lazy to figure it out though.

  South Beach Steve

June 1, 2010 at 8:45 PM

The calorie total is interesting Beej. I would agree that it is off.