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Hot 100 Update 6

More green than previous weeeks.  Not bad at all!

30 minutes 3 times a week with God.  I did three!  I wish I listened to Him more during this time...but that will come.

Walk/run 175 miles. Missed this.  But I did 8 miles.

No eating after posting my Calorie total.  Another week of success.

Develop post 1 recipe a week.  Not this week.  I was so busy with all of my extra stuff.  I made some mroe food, like a really tasty beef stew, but I didn't get good pictures or write down all of the ingerdients.  I have one recipe I've been working on for a while--Saag Chickpea.

Get 1 item done on the "Honey-Do" list a week. I built a shelf above our fridge and walled off an old closet.  Up, I definitely get green on this one!

Week 82 Weigh-In 
Weight: 226.4

Weekly weight loss: 2.6
Total loss: 142.0

Not a bad loss considering I dealt with a lot of stress and less sleep and less runnin/working out.  I'm happy with a 2.6 pound loss.  As I mentioned, I really do think that this is my most accurate weight--plus, I couldn't deflate it by going for a run right before I stepped on the scale or any of the other little tricks I liked to do...

Not bad at all!

Big goal for the week: NO CANDY!

pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily

Complete my weekly share of Hot 100 Goals
50 minutes cardio
13 miles walked/ran

Saturday: 2,459 Calories
Sunday: 2,184 Calories  
Monday: 2,255 Calories
Tuesday: 2,162 Calories
Wednesday: 1,455 Calories
Thursday: 2,033 Calories
Friday: 2,273 Calories

Daily Average: 2,117 Calories

Nothing to Say

It was a crazy, emotional day at work today.  I'm drained and didn't feel like running or walking or anything.  Nope, I'm not depressed.  I'm not in a funk.  I just really need to relax, pray and sleep. 

Today's word of the day is balance.

50 minutes of cardio
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily

Complete my weekly share of Hot 100 Goals
50 minutes cardio
13 miles walked/ran
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily

Saturday: 2,459 Calories
Sunday: 2,184 Calories  
Monday: 2,255 Calories
Tuesday: 2,162 Calories
Wednesday: 1,455 Calories
Thursday: 2,033 Calories

Daily Average: 2,091 Calories


It's funny.  Just yesterday, I was talking about how I need to be able to integrate my lifestyle into  One of the things I think I will like to continue with is my fasting.  No, it's not for diet, but it is a hunger struggle.  And today was the day I decided to fast.

And what would happen today, but a free lunch! 

Of pizza.


Talk about temptation.  It was temptation, though, that I resisted.  And felt great about!  Thank you, Lord, for helping me to become who you want me to be!

2 60-second front planks
2 60-second side planks
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily

Complete my weekly share of Hot 100 Goals
100 minutes cardio
13 miles walked/ran
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily

Saturday: 2,459 Calories
Sunday: 2,184 Calories  
Monday: 2,255 Calories
Tuesday: 2,162 Calories
Wednesday: 1,455 Calories

Daily Average: 2,103 Calories

Canyon River or Water Jet?

That's the key.  There are lots of things we can do on this journey to lose some weight.  We can exercise for hours at a time.  We can eat nothing.  But really, all that's doing is trying to find a quick fix for what has been a life-long problem for a lot of us.  I keep thinking of the image of a canyon. 

I mean, barring a cataclysmic seismic event, canyons are carved by water.  Water cutting through rock.  Slowly.  That's how weight loss should be, in my opinion: slow and steady.  Losing a pound or two a week...even 1/2 a pound.  That's great to me.  That's sustainable.

I know that there are water jets that can cut though metal and a very fast rate--much faster than canyons are formed:

That's more of what the intense, crazy workout mode is.  But really, do you know how much maintenance they have to do on those things??

I'm trying to be more consistant.  I'm trying to just live a healthy life.  I need to find a Caloric intake and exercise expenditure that will work for me for life.  Over time, given that I'd be doing the right thing, the weight would come off.  Not super fast, but it would come off. 

And I think that's why I need to be a Canyon River. 

50 minutes of cardio
200 sit ups
200 push ups
4 60-second front planks
4 60-second side planks
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily

Complete my weekly share of Hot 100 Goals
100 minutes cardio
13 miles walked/ran
2 60-second front planks
2 60-second side planks
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily

Saturday: 2,459 Calories
Sunday: 2,184 Calories  
Monday: 2,255 Calories
Tuesday: 2,162 Calories

Daily Average: 2,265 Calories

I Won

Earlier, Ish asked if I won my contest at work.  Yes, I did!  And although the picture isn't that great, you can see the three popcorn balls here:

Oh, and we were the Chilean Miners for Halloween, so that's why we were "caved in".  And really, the only reason we chose that as a theme is because of the miraculous fact that all of the miners were rescued.

So yeah, I won--it was a 3-peat!!

But really, that's not why I've been stumbling on this journey.  It's really because I've been super lazy.  But that changes this week.  I'll be pressing myself harder than I have recently.  Today, for instance, I did 15 minutes each on the Elliptical and Stair Stepper, and 20 minutes on the Exercise Bike.  And I ran 6.25 miles.  And I did some sit ups and push ups and planks.  And held to 2,255 Calories.  That equates to a great day, really!

I must make this a great week. And I know I will!

Goals for this week:
Complete my weekly share of Hot 100 Goals
200 minutes cardio
20 miles walked/ran
300 sit ups
300 push ups
8 60-second front planks
8 60-second side planks
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily
date with Anna

Up to Monday:
50 minutes of cardio
7 miles walked
100 sit ups
100 push ups
2 60-second front planks
2 60-second side planks
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily
date with Anna

Complete my weekly share of Hot 100 Goals
150 minutes cardio
13 miles walked/ran
200 sit ups
200 push ups
6 60-second front planks
6 60-second side planks
pray daily
read the bible daily
read my devotion daily

Saturday: 2,459 Calories
Sunday: 2,184 Calories  
Monday: 2,255 Calories

Daily Average: 2,299 Calories