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Loss, Love, and Encouragement

Hey everybody. It seems like this is not the year for people. I mean, yes, people have been succeeding in their weight loss journeys. We've had people hit their goals, we've had people join the commmunity, we've had people push through plateaus, and we've had people re-commit to their goals. But we've also had a lot of loss. People have lost their mom, their dad, their uncle, their grandma. And now it's happened again. Another in our community has been hit with extreme loss.

Tyler has just lost his father. Please head on over and share your love. And while you're doing that, call your loved ones and tell them how much you care about them. Hold your close ones closer. And remember that life is short, so take it all in while you can.

This is especially hard for me because Tyler was actually the inspiration for my journey. I have found amazing, loving support in the community other than him, but I still follow his progress and relish in his success and fame. And he has found lots of success--from his local radio and news stations to CNN! He probably will never see this blog, but I want him to know that his loss is our loss (but we'll never know exactly what he's going through).

I'm off to run.

Spilling Hope Update:
Sponsors: Josie ($0.25), Ricky ($0.50), Shelli ($0.25), Kim ($0.25), Ish ($0.25) Thanks Sponsors!!
Total Miles: 10
Total money raised: $115.00

12 minutes on elliptical
12 minutes on exercise bike
12 minutes on stair stepper
12 minutes on treadmill
50 situps
25 push ups
ran 3 miles
read the bible
read my devotion

60 minutes on elliptical
60 minutes on exercise bike
60 minutes on stair stepper
60 minutes on treadmill
ran/walked 13 miles
250 situps
125 push ups
read the bible
read my devotion
2 dates with Anna

Weekly Calorie Count:
Sunday: xx (never counting Sundays again)
Monday: 2,050 Calories
Tuesday: 2,225 Calories
Wednesday: 1,895 2,195 Calories
Thursday: 1,465 Calories
Friday: 2,200 Calories

Daily Average: 2,027 Calories.

Follow my Twiet here.


  South Beach Steve

April 24, 2010 at 5:38 AM

Thanks for sharing about Tyler, Beej. I don't visit his blog, so I wouldn't have seen that. It is a good reminder to be sure to take advantage of this life while we are here and not to let our love for others go unnoticed.


April 24, 2010 at 8:58 AM

Thank you for this post... You're right, it seems to be the wrong kind of 'losses' in the weight loss blogging community this year.

I will go and give Craig and Tabitha a big hug right now and call my mum a little later.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Patsy :o)

  Shelli Belly

April 24, 2010 at 1:45 PM

I sure hear ya on this one Beej.


April 24, 2010 at 4:55 PM

Thank you for sharing about Tyler.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


April 27, 2010 at 1:05 PM

I feel horribly for him :(